Sunday, June 23, 2019

Teaching me friendship the right way!

Finding a friend who supports you and gives you the encouragement in every ambitions of yours is a very promising gift of God! But, have we ever wondered having a friend who takes the guilty pleasure of opposing you every time, finds faults in you more than your parents, yet befriends you in your thick and thin? Have you ever thought, "Is he my friend or hers?", when he goes ahead to speak in favor of the girl who has ditched you? No wonder, I have felt very despondent and I wondered, "Why does he never take my side, even once?"

But, sometimes, what we see on the surface is not what is deep inside. The tip of the iceberg caused the Titanic to sink, only because they never knew how deep it was. This is how I would like to remember my friend, Aayam!

Very calm and composed on the outside. Such a gentle person with an extremely pure soul.

It has been just over one week at IIM Raipur for me, yet, it feels we have become very good friends, since we knew each other a few months prior to joining. Having a good friend circle is very important for being successful in life. But, having a friend who relentlessly pokes you, finds fault in you and scolds you, is a blessing, not many have.

                              Quality of the time spent together is more important that the quantity. 

The value of a true friend is not understood only when he becomes a Yes-man for you. It is realized when he becomes a No-Man every time! A friend, for me, is someone who always stands on the opposite side of the line and sees the situation through a different angle. There has been times when I asked him, "Why do you always try to explain me that I should move on from her? Why don't you explain her to give a chance to both of us?" He never replied to me, till yesterday, when he said,

"Because you understand!"

He was right! I do understand, that not all relations can be mended in the form we want them to be. Understanding human emotions is a very deep rooted problem of human beings. We remain so content about each other, we don't even care to know about how the other person is feeling. Talking to them and understanding them is the need of the hour.

A friend that I see in Aayam, has given me a new dimension to knowing the friendship. There has never been a single day when I haven't been ranted by him for not taking my meals properly or skipping my medicines. I remember, when I confessed my love for her, she moved away from me from the next day. It was evident!

After the dinner, one fine night, Aayam called me outside and tried to reconcile the things between 'The both of us', which obviously seemed like I was the perpetrator all the time. He made a list of all the things I did wrong with her, yet he made it a point to keep both of us in talking terms. When I returned to my room, the only thing I was angry about was him taking her side all through the discussion and making me look like the villain. But then he said,

"If I hadn't done that, she would have not even see you anymore in these 2 years"

 It is easy to call someone your best friend. But, it is very difficult to maintain a strong bonding over a span of years. Have a good friend in life!

Not just good, but a Strong friend, who can not only take strong decisions in life, but also have shoulders strong enough to carry your corpse!

A snap from one of our night outings

Tonight, I have decided to throw a small soiree. Get ready to catch up with some lip smacking delights, as I will upload them tonight!

If you like the article, do share it among your friends! Any feedback for improvements are welcome!
Till then, Cheers!

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